Cinderella 1950

Barbara tells a story from her childhood of going to Disney’s Cinderella with her two deaf sisters in Waco, TX. Recorded live at the 2019 National Storytelling Festival in Jonesborough, TN.

Bathing the Cat

A dog person discovers that giving a cat a bath is a dangerous proposition.

The Lone Ranger

Barbara remembers her dad as the hero of her 6th grade class.

Dr. Detail

Barbara tells about the circuitous route her husband took to repainting a tiny powder room.

TV Interview

Barbara promotes “Storytelling Live” in Jonesborough, TN, and tells a snippet of a story about a bagpiper. 

Do I know the Bible?!

Recalling radio evangelists of her childhood, Barbara tells a convoluted Bible story as bona fide scriptural knowledge.